Relic Discussion > Artillery

Unknown Cannonball?


A friend of mine sent me a email with these two pictures of what appears to be a solid shot cannonball. I am a bullet collector and don't have a clue on this but it appears to be close to a 10 inch solid shot. It was found in Winchester, TN close to where the Elk River was prior to where Tim's Ford Lake is now. The ball is pictured in a milk crate with the inside dimensions of 13 inches. The email said it was too heavy to pick up so they haven't even looked at the bottom of the ball. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Any information would be appreciated so I can pass it along. ???

At the risk of confirming my nerd-dom to the forum members, I spent some of my morning cutting plywood bottoms for milk crates so shells wouldn't make them bulge out when stacked.  The bottoms are a little under 12" across so unless all things being bigger in Texas applies to common milk crates too, then the interior dimensions of the crate are less than 13".  

So, that makes this one appear closer to an 8-inch ball than a 10-inch ball.  Thats just a guess and it could be another size or not even a cannon ball.  As Pete would say, your friend needs to do a precise measurement of the ball's diameter and ideally weight also.

There is a cannon ball ID link written by Pete and Nemo of this forum off of the main site.  That info would help your buddy.  Also, if he is close to where any of us are or will be, we can check it out in person.

I cannot see a fuse hole so presumably its a solid shot.  If it is a cannonball in those sizes, its not going to make him rich as the sheer weight makes those a lot of trouble to deal with so many guys shy away from them.  I have had to dump a few of those heavy monsters lately and finding someone to take it is not easy.  They are cool though, but just a pain in the neck!

Mike, I am hoping I will receive a measured diameter and possibly a weight. The person who emailed me was gonna give it to their brother as a gift if it can be attributed to ACW period. I am looking in the Texas Dictionary and haven't found the term nerd-dom, your gonna impress lots of folks with this new lingo when you head to the Great State of Texas.

Mike, instead of trying to dump those cannonballs bring them to Texas with you. We can drill holes in them and sell them to the bowling alleys. The diameter of a bowling ball is 8.59 inches so those cannonballs ought to work. ::)

That thing would crash through the back barrier, and out the back of the alley, assuming that you are man enough to roll it.


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