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We have a busy upcoming show schedule with the Mansfield show May 4th & 5th and Gettysburg again in late June. 2 more shows on the calendar for July and another in August!

Hope to see many of you at one of these shows.

A01432 - Schenkl case shot shell
Sorry, this item is no longer available!

Item Number: A01432

Item Title: Schenkl case shot shell

Price: $350

Shipping: Not included

Provenance: US/CS

Type: Schenkl case shot shell

Size: 3in


Fuse: Schenkl combination fuse


Location Recovered: Virginia

Description:This is the last of the Schenkl case shot shells I got from Pete George. Actually, there is a 4th but it is the worst of the bunch and off being inerted and cleaned so won't be available until the Dalton show.

Folks like Schenkls for their distinctive look. It has been drilled through the fuse, but the top part of the fuse fits over the hole so its invisible. Nice touch Pete!